Farewell to Paul Badura-Skoda
Paul Badura-Skoda died on September 25th 2019.
The Holy Mass was celebrated for him on October 5th 2019 in the Vienna Piaristenkirche.
Anton Bruckner's E-Minor Mass was performed with the Chorus coro siamo under the direction of Florian Maierl.
Burial took place on October 9th 2019 in a small family circle at the cemetery Ottakringer Friedhof in Vienna.
Here you can listen to the audio recordings of the Holy Mass by means of an audio player or download the MP3-files. (The Chorus parts also as wav-files).
Anton Bruckner: E-Minor Mass with the Chorus coro siamo under the direction of Florian Maierl | Download-Links:
DOWNLOAD (zipped MP3-files, 76 MB) >>
DOWNLOAD (zipped WAV-files, 587 MB) >>